Step by step preparation guide of delicious & healthy home made vegan recipes.
Learn how to cook a invigorating and delicious collection of healthy vegan recipes that combine wholesome food with Middle Eastern style cooking. Vicki guides you, in this clear, step by step instructions (with photos), through a course of vegan home recipes, while at the same time providing you with cooking techniques and tips for each recipe in this book. Learn how to cook your way into sustained healthy eating, without compromising on taste. This book offers you an exciting range of over 50 recipes from simple snacks to fully loaded dishes!
Publisher Vicki Sassoon
Publication date October 6, 2019
Language English
Product Dimensions 8.5 x 0.4 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight 1.11 pounds
Book length 168 pages
ISBN-10 1733175105
ISBN-13 978-173317510